Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What is it about HER!

You go through life day after day doing the same dull things and all the sudden, BAM! You have eye contact with HER!
At first, you dismiss it as a fleeting moment. But you can’t get her out of your head. You have seen her around the office several times. She even belongs to the same gym where you work out. You think she has a boyfriend, but you aren’t quite sure.
You’ve seen prettier women, but this one is different. She actually talked to you. She touched your arm when she was pointing something out to you. She acted like you were the only person on the earth that could understand her. You can remember the way she smells, the way her hair curls slightly to the right, and how her clothes fit her curvy body. You notice that her eyes change colors when she’s excited about a new idea, how they go from green with gold flecks to the deepest blue you have ever seen.
You can’t seem to get her out of your mind and you have no idea why. You just know that you love spending time with her and going over new plans and ideas even if it is afterhours and you know you should be home.
You look down at your left hand and realize that ring that was placed there over five years ago hasn’t changed. You are still married to a wonderful woman, but lately there aren’t any sparks. It’s the same old dull routine day in and day out. You can’t remember what your wife’s hair smells like because you have been spending 60 hours a week at the office. When you aren’t at the office, you are at the gym trying to keep your stress at a minimum level so you can stay healthy for your job.
To appease your wife, you had your assistant send her flowers last week to let her know you hadn’t forgotten about her. You don’t bother coming home early anymore. She is usually asleep by the time you get there anyway. You can’t remember the last time you had a sit-down dinner at home because you are constantly spending time with the woman who gives you attention and plays with your emotions. She is the one that will be the end of your marriage and you don’t even know if she is single and would want to date you.
Before you screw up your marriage, you have some hard questions to ask yourself.
1. Was your wife attentive when you were coming home at a decent time every day?
2. Has your wife let herself go because you are never around anymore?
3. Have you paid attention to your wife lately since you’ve been gone most hours of the day?
4. When was the last time you took your wife away for a mini-vacation?
5. When was the last time you really took an interest in what your wife was doing while you were away from the house?
Lack of Attention and Money are the two biggest argument starters and leading causes of divorce.
Most couples can’t remember when the last time was that they got dressed up and took time to make their appearances enticing just for a “date night”. Couples forget that a simple “touch” can add sparks to a relationship.
You have forgotten what it feels like to actually touch your wife in that special place and have her moan or move closer to you, to admire you with all her heart, to engage you in an intimate conversation because she misses spending time with you.
Couples aren’t spending as much time together as they did 40 years ago because of the lifestyle they have chosen where both partners have to bring in an income. It’s taking everyone to help make a comfortable lifestyle. That doesn’t mean that you have to give up your marriage for someone else who might have shown a bit of interest in your thoughts. Remember that your wife admires you and your hard work to help provide for her even if she doesn’t show you every day. You need to admire her back and let her know how much you love her every day to protect your marriage.
Hopefully I’ve touched on some heartstrings and made you think twice before giving up on your marriage for a woman you barely know.
I’m a wife and mother who had ups and downs in marriage. I’ve written a free report on the “8 Vital Mistakes To Avoid in a Breakup Situation”. To get the free report, email me at guardiansofsa@aol.com For more ways to add the Spark or Magic back to your relationship, start at Magic of Making Up