Thursday, August 26, 2010

Are you cheating with an online relationship?

Let’s first describe what an online relationship is. An online relationship is one that is formed between two or more people in a social network. Any social network will do, i.e. Facebook, MySpace, Netlog, any online virtual gaming site, etc.

Online relationship cheating is even easier than cheating in real life. In real life, you have to re-arrange your schedule to make time for a new relationship. In an online relationship setting, it’s easily covered up with “I’m working on some stuff from work on the internet”.

Here are the symptoms of online relationship cheaters:

1. Can’t wait to spend time on the chat room where you two met, even if no one is in there at the time.

2. Spend all day in chat rooms or on Facebook hoping for an IM (instant message) instead of doing your work. Do we really need to take away your internet, so you can stay focused?

3. Signing up for new social networks to hide your footprints. Let’s face is, unless you are an IT genius, there are footprints your loved one will find if they really want too.

4. No interest in making your real partner happy anymore. Who cares that they just devoted years to making you happy and comfortable? They aren’t spicy and interesting anymore. They don’t give you that spark of “naughtiness” like the online relationship does.

5. Finally, you consider divorce as an option at least 100 times a day even though the other person in your life hasn’t done anything to deserve it. They have been giving you the space you asked for and here’s how you want to repay them; by crushing them.

I’ve been on both sides of the online relationship cheating game. It’s not nice to think that your partner is just asking for more space to get his/her work done when they are actually playing with their online partner. It seems fun in the beginning when there is an element of mystery and intrigue to that online relationship. Just remember, it never lasts unless you are in a relationship like mine, where no two days are ever the same and every day is an adventure.

Things to think about before you go any further with your online relationship cheating:

Think about your partner and how you would feel if they were doing it to you.

Think about how you will support yourself and your habits on one income (since you want to divorce your partner anyway).

Think about how the online relationship is going to continue. Is it going to cross over to reality or stay in the cyber world?

And, if you are one who seeks approval from your family, think how they will react to your news of pending divorce and hooking up with a cyber partner from the internet… Get ready for a lot of ridicule.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Getting Over Your Breakup

Don't you just love technology?  Instead of breaking up in person, people are using all kinds of different methods such as: email, texting, skype, facebook, etc.

Well, we are here to help you survive that breakup. 

First step in surviving your breakup is to get busy.  If you have been putting off:  Going out with your buddies, starting that new project you wanted to do but never found the time, giving more attention to your pet and doing more things with them, or working harder to get that promotion,  then we can help. 

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You do not have to be stuck with the "Suddenly Single" syndrome.  Get out there and LIVE your life on your terms!

Magic of Making Up System

How to Prevent Becoming The Psycho EX

Do you have these symptoms?

-Leaving the radio off because every song makes you cry

-Loss of appetite

-Binge eating for comfort

-Calling your ex several times a day

-Text messaging and emailing constantly (Text Message Terrorism)

-Constantly checking your email and voice mail to see if he/she called

-Not going out because you are afraid to miss a call

-Thinking non-stop about why they REALLY left you

-Feeling massively depressed

-Feeling urges to spy on them

-Endlessly rehearsing what you should have said

-Endlessly rehearsing what you will say if you bump into them

…and when you do get a hold of them, it usually turns ugly because without a clear plan of what you are supposed to do… what happens?

P-A-N-I-C ...defensiveness ...arguments ...and then it gets really nasty.

Listen to what T. Dub has to say to prevent becoming the PSYCHO Ex.

Get started TODAY on your way to HEALING. 

Fill out the form in the Upper Right Corner &

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Getting Your Ex To Call You Back

re there 'magic' words you can use to get your ex to return your phone calls?
Sounds hard to believe but there ARE words that will nearly cast a spell and make your ex feel almost compelled to return your call.

Cool huh?...

I am going to share this with you because this is one of the biggest questions I get from the over 35,000 subscribers just like you that are trying to put their relationship back together.

So I am going to answer..."How do I get my ex to return my phone call, text or IM?"



In the Magic Of Making Up, I lay out a complete strategy.

Get your Magic of Making Up System

If you use this technique alone, without an 'overall' plan or may damage your relationship more than if they never returned your call.

What NOT to Say!

Before we get into the actual words, let's go over what message almost NEVER works.

and worse...

Puts you in an AWFUL 'psychological' position.

These usually fall into 2 categories.

The PLEAD- Where the message sounds like "John, please, please call me. This is the 3rd time I have called. I HAVE to talk to you."

And the EMERGENCY- "Cindy, this is an emergency. Please call me as soon as you get this."

Now, I think you can see what is wrong with both of those approaches?

So, I won't go on and on...

How To Use Curiosity & Self Interest
To Your Advantage

Two of the most powerful forces in the human mind are

*Curiosity &

*Self Interest

And here's the BIG SECRET!
When you combine the two, you have a recipe that WILL work 'magic'


Let's look at what you can say that works nearly EVERY TIME.

In a friendly tone:
"Hi John. It's Cindy. I wanted to let you know I appreciate what you did for me. Call me because I want to thank you in person."
Do you see how that uses BOTH curiosity and self interest?

John will NOT be able to resist! "What did I do?"

"What does she appreciate?" he will be thinking. And he feels good because it is a positive message.

Before you call you need to do the "Set Up"...which is figuring out what he/she did that you appreciate.
It can be any small thing...but needs to be plausible.

But more importantly...

Please have an underlying strategy like I lay out in the Magic Of Making Up System BEFORE you call.

If you apply this technique with no underlying strategy and they call you back you can do more DAMAGE than good if you do not handle it correctly.


What I am saying is...

What you do before, during and after you get them to return your call is MORE important than getting them to return your call.

Make sense?

Have a PLAN!==><<Magic of Making Up System>>
Rooting for ya,
T. Dub

Get started TODAY on your way to HEALING by filling out the form in the upper right corner for your

Free Reports - Dating Resources & Training Men To Be Husbands