Thursday, August 26, 2010

Are you cheating with an online relationship?

Let’s first describe what an online relationship is. An online relationship is one that is formed between two or more people in a social network. Any social network will do, i.e. Facebook, MySpace, Netlog, any online virtual gaming site, etc.

Online relationship cheating is even easier than cheating in real life. In real life, you have to re-arrange your schedule to make time for a new relationship. In an online relationship setting, it’s easily covered up with “I’m working on some stuff from work on the internet”.

Here are the symptoms of online relationship cheaters:

1. Can’t wait to spend time on the chat room where you two met, even if no one is in there at the time.

2. Spend all day in chat rooms or on Facebook hoping for an IM (instant message) instead of doing your work. Do we really need to take away your internet, so you can stay focused?

3. Signing up for new social networks to hide your footprints. Let’s face is, unless you are an IT genius, there are footprints your loved one will find if they really want too.

4. No interest in making your real partner happy anymore. Who cares that they just devoted years to making you happy and comfortable? They aren’t spicy and interesting anymore. They don’t give you that spark of “naughtiness” like the online relationship does.

5. Finally, you consider divorce as an option at least 100 times a day even though the other person in your life hasn’t done anything to deserve it. They have been giving you the space you asked for and here’s how you want to repay them; by crushing them.

I’ve been on both sides of the online relationship cheating game. It’s not nice to think that your partner is just asking for more space to get his/her work done when they are actually playing with their online partner. It seems fun in the beginning when there is an element of mystery and intrigue to that online relationship. Just remember, it never lasts unless you are in a relationship like mine, where no two days are ever the same and every day is an adventure.

Things to think about before you go any further with your online relationship cheating:

Think about your partner and how you would feel if they were doing it to you.

Think about how you will support yourself and your habits on one income (since you want to divorce your partner anyway).

Think about how the online relationship is going to continue. Is it going to cross over to reality or stay in the cyber world?

And, if you are one who seeks approval from your family, think how they will react to your news of pending divorce and hooking up with a cyber partner from the internet… Get ready for a lot of ridicule.

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